Friday, January 29, 2010

Operation 4am

It seems that the times when I could just sleep in are long gone. Ever since coming back to Melaka to start working, the latest time I have woken up is 9.00am. Yes even on weekends and holidays. Tomorrow is no different.

I'll be sitting on a plane to Singapore tomorrow, exactly one year after my last flight. (Wow time really flies!) In order to pick up Ah Meow from USJ and head to LCCT to catch the 7.20am flight in time, I will be leaving my house at 4am. Yeap -__-

Below are my tactics to stay awake while I'm alone on the highway:

1.Chewing Gum

Yes chewing gum increases alertness, focus and concentration. Thats why athletes are always chewing gum.

2. Listen to loud music

Not just any loud music though.  I prepared a CD full of praise songs by Planetshakers and Hillsong:

3. Get a good night's sleep

This is by far the most important. But when you're so used to sleeping at 12-ish or 1-ish, how in the world can you fall asleep by 10pm.

With my stoning skills that can rival those of Tibetan monks, its highly unlikely that I can just lie on the bed and doze off.

Therefore I thought of all kinds of methods to tire myself, even resorting to watch seemingly boring stuff like Care Bears: The Movie.

But its actually quite kancheong wor LOL! Now I'm reading up about the Care Bears on Wikipedia. -__-

However its not the morning trip that I'm worried about, since I'll be excited to see someone (CHEH I GOT SAY YOU MEH? Dun perasan k!), its the return trip that I'm concerned about. I could always bunk at Yong's place instead of driving straight back to Melaka but I would rather much go home.

Just in case I don't make it back alive, here is my will. Yes you can take this to the probate court:

My face is to be donated for skin-care research. My internal organs are to be donated to research on the consequences of excessive consumption of fast-food. The rest of my body can be burned.

Money and car obviously goes to mum. She's the only woman in my life that never cheated me. Actually no she always con me too e.g "That's not egg, its just cheese!" Shi sang zi you ma ma hao?


Ok here is where you guys come in. Listen up.

Daryl you are entrusted with the save file of my Baldur's Gate 2 game. After countless attempts, I have yet to finish it because I failed to kao the sultry drow Viconia. Sad. Real life fail, gaming life also fail LOL!

Since you have finished Dragon Age multiple times and since Dragon Age is the arguably the closest game to Baldur's Gate 2, and since you are also 'successful' in real life, KAO HER FOR ME AND FINISH THE GAME DARYL! PLEASE!!

Ok next.

Zhou you are entrusted with my Fantasy Football account. Since God has obviously favoured you these past few weeks, and since Yong is emotionally unstable at the moment (LOL!), I'm giving you the responsibility.

Username = yeahyeah86
Password = the same as my WOW account and almost everything else -_-


Like Ms Cyrus says:

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
Its the climb~

Ok I can't think of anything else to put in my will. Guess the rest are just unimportant.

I should really try to start sleeping. Haiz.

The things I do for you -__-

Edited: Its 11pm and I'm wide awake

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When you think your life sucks

......just remember, there are others that are far worse.

Take the blobfish for example:

The world's most 'miserable-looking' fish

This is what you call face problem.

Dahlah look so miserable, going to be extinct somemore.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Results Speak for Itself

Even though there's one more day to vote, I think the results are pretty much confirmed.

So the significant majority of you think I should focus on my fat round face instead of my blog =( That's a real reason to pout.

On the bright side at least my pout was voted the 'Best Pout of the Decade' lah!

Hey don't underestimate the power of pouting. According to Superdrug, Britain's second largest health and beauty retailer, Angelina Jolie was voted the 'Beauty Icon of the Decade' thanks to her special pout.

Imagine me being voted the 'Beauty Icon of the Decade':

LOL! Yea I know I'm lame =( That's why voted Moron of the Year too.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Please Vote for Me

No, I'm not running for election (yet?). Oh but this reminds me.  Lets make sure we are all registered for the next election so that we can help people like YB Hannah achieve a better Malaysia.

Registration can be easily done in the Post Office. Lets not be ignorant children that only complain at the back and don't want to do anything about it.

Anyway, no I'm not participating in the annual Fairest of the Fair Pageants either. Yes there are such pageants held across the US every year. If Malaysia had one, I reckon I'll enter the pageant as one of the pre-tournament favourites.

The question is whether or not I'll come out top in the "Best Pouting Face of the Decade" contest.

Yours truly

The Main Contenders:

The EPL somehow feels less colorful without the Special One. Zhou even went on to say, "If Mourinho goes to Liverpool I will become a fan again." 5 years ago a statement like that was tantamount to blasphemy. Oh how things have changed.  Love him or loath him, the Special One does have a special pout.

Dutch midfielder Rafael van der Vaart will probably garner alot of votes. One thing's for sure, his hair owns mine. So he has the 'whole package'?

This little fella could seriously give us a run for our money though.

Last but not least, the dark horse of the contest:

My very own Avatar! Come on lets not be racist.

So faster go and vote in the poll on your right. And while you're at it, please take a bit of your time to vote in the second poll concerning the blog layout. Results will be released in 7 days.

Much appreciated. Thanks!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Jie!

Having written several birthday posts for people, I have an obligation as a brother to write a birthday post for my  big sis too. But it has come at a bad time really, as I am semi-retired from blogging. My reasons being:

1. I am too lazy. (I think that's a very solid reason)

2. My lack of form.
There was a time where I would love to read my own posts due to the brilliance of it (LOL wth). But not anymore. My blog stinks now. Maybe its due to my departure from my swimming-in-my-own-sorrow posts. Guess that was my forte. But its a good thing right? You guys should be proud of me now. =)

3. I don't want everybody to know what's going on in my life.
 Secretive woooooooo.......

4. I am very tired atm as I just got back from the lively activities of Youth Fellowship. What to do? Fatty Yeah no stamina.

Ok so I was thinking of writing a "Reasons why my Jie Jie is an ideal girlfriend/wife" post but then I remembered that no eligible bachelors read my blog anyway. I mean there are bachelors, they're just not eligible LOL! (yes offence). So I'll just write a sweet and simple post.

I dare say that none of you spend as much time with your sister(s) as I do with mine. Afterall, I live in the same house, work in the same office and pretty much share all our meals together too (except my cereal time where I enjoy my solitude). She has been with me since the beginning of my life and apart from uni, we have always been together.

I have always looked up to her and tried to emulate her in many things. In A-levels and even in my CPA now there is this "Mentor Program" thing. They pretty much fail to serve its purpose. But my sis has been my mentor for life really, always giving me the best of advices and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS helping me regardless of the situation. But she doesn't pamper me like my mum, which is a good thing, as it teaches me self-reliance.

I'm really tired at the moment and I want to go watch my Liverpool get dragged through the mud, so I'll stop here. Afterall I'm giving my sis much more than this lousy birthday post =)

But here's some advice for you guys out there:

Don't take your sis/mum for granted. Many guys do all kinds of amazing things for their gf but don't even bother to write a simple card for their sis/mum. Trust me when I say that your mum/sis are pretty much the only girls in your life who will love you unconditionally.

Girlfriends and even wives can leave you, but mums and sisters are there for life.
Do your best to show them your love.

Love you Jie! And have a blessed birthday <3

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A numbers game?

Encouragement to those living in small towns:

People (myself included last time) are always saying that its very hard to find a partner in a small town like Melaka, and that we should go to big cities e.g KL to search for one. Afterall, its a numbers game isn't it? The more people you meet, the higher chance of meeting that 'special someone'. No?

Try telling Nemo's dad: "Aiya...there are so many fish in the ocean"

But that's just as stupid as saying "aiya there are so many fish in the ocean", a very common phrase spoken to comfort people who just got rejected/dumped etc. Fact is, only one fish in that big ocean is meant to be yours. And its very difficult to try search that big blue ocean all by yourself isn't it?

Therefore the best thing is to just position yourself where God wants you to be, and let Him arrange the encounter with your 'fish'. So in a way, being in a 'desert' like Melaka maybe better. Coz when that 'fish' comes, you'll definitely notice it.

In conclusion, its definitely not a numbers game.

To quote Peyton Sawyer:

 "Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls.
All you need is one."

You just haven't met him/her yet =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Regrets of 2009 and Resolutions of 2010

Regrets first or resolutions first? Hmm....its kinda like choosing between good news or bad news first? Hmm.......Ok la. Resolutions first.

Yes I have to come up with new resolutions coz after 6 days I realised that my current new year resolution (to read more books) is going to fail so hard.

This is the month that I should really be burying myself in books as the CPA semester only starts in February. But every time I come back from work all I wanna do is kick back, relax and rot. Oh and it doesn't help that all the books that I wanted to read are deemed "Not Recommended" by the Discerning Reader.

I still want to read those books though as some of them are controversial, and I love to read/watch controversial stuff so that I too can have an opinion about it. I just need to find that self-discipline to stay away from the computer and read books instead.

However I really have been immersed in the writing of John Piper on his website, so at least there's a start.

My New Year Resolutions 2010:

1. Feed myself with intellectually, emotionally and spiritually challenging reading material.
So yes it doesn't restrict me to books only. But all these head knowledge is useless without applying it. So...

2. To busy myself in purposeful activities.
Yes I must reduce my idle (aka rotting) time. Not only would I be able to be contribute in things that actually matter, it would give me less time to do stuff which are....."non-beneficiary" to me.

3. To learn a musical instrument.
I'm constantly reminded of how good it would be if I knew how to play a guitar or something. With almost my entire praise band away on holiday this week, I really wished I didn't drop my guitar lessons all those years ago.

So yea those are my three resolutions written in stone. Constantly check up on me to see my progress ok?

Ok time for regrets. I know we shouldn't dwell on the past and blah blah.......But I couldn't help but feel sad that I missed out on something.

I really wanted a Toruk toy from McD Happy Meal =(

Oh and check this out. I have my own pouting face Avatar!
Now I'm ready to choose my woman.

But if she must also choose me, then GG!!!

Even Eywa can't help me there.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

All's well that ends well

Tootle-loo, au revoir, auf wierdesehen, ciao....ting tao tay!
2009 is gone!

I have learnt many priceless things from 2009. Unfortunately, some of those things were learnt the hard way:

1. Yong's Fantasy Football tips cannot be trusted. There is no coming back from that.
2. Just because someone says you look thinner, doesn't mean you can eat more.

Yea, the same person who at one time called me thin, said I was fat a few weeks later. =(

But overall I can say that 2009 was an eventful year by my standards. I traveled to several places (Europe being the highlight of course), I got involved in a lot of events and I met new friends (though they will rue the day they met me!).

So I guess I didn't really update you guys on what I was doing since Christmas. Long version or short version? Ok short version since I'm lazy.

I refused to stay in the office on Boxing Day so I walked to Dataran to watch The Treasure Hunter by myself. Don't get me wrong, I was fully aware that it was going to be a lousy movie, but I just wanted some brainless entertainment.

Jay Chou and Lin Chi-ling were hilarious (coz their chemistry was just so horrible). 

With Jay Chou attracting the ladies and Lin Chi-ling attracting the guys, I was expecting quite a lot of people. But to my surprise roughly 90% of the people in the cinema were Malays. 1Malaysia anyone?

At night I attended the church Christmas Party and was once again touched by YB Hannah Yeoh's testimony. Many Christians just wanna pray about things without really actually doing anything, and she is an exception to that.  She reminded me that God is only looking for availability and obedience.

The next day my sis and I watched Sherlock Holmes which was a good movie, but not quite up to my expectations.

On the 31st, Daryl and I went for Baskin Robbins but they ran out of pints. So we ended up eating single-scoop icecream, which is like nothing (actually 'nothing' doesn't even begin to describe the non-existence of the icecream). What a sad way to end 2009. Haiz.

We then went to watch Avatar again (but in 3D this time) with Yong and Filbert. The 3D version wasn't significantly different. There were only subtle enhancements to the non-3D version.
"She's blue but she's kinda hot." - Yong

Whether or not Avatar is the best movie of the year is debatable. But we unanimously agreed that the Na'vi girl Neytiri is chun! Hahaha. Serious. The pic doesn't do justice. She has that kind of vibe, you know -__-

MOVING ON. Went up to KL on New Year's Day to teman my sis who was attending her friends' wedding. I walked around the Curve and The Street by myself while she was at the wedding. How appropriate for the outside band to be playing emo songs like Barry Manilow's Can't Smile Without You while I was walking around pathetically.

Someone could of video taped me and made it into a music video. I think it would be very touching lo. LOL!

There were a lot restaurants that I wanted to try there but I didn't have the guts to go up and say "Table for one please.". Ended up eating Subway which I have badly missed. I felt healthier straight away. I also ate at Cupcake Chic which is a franchise started by an ex-churchmate. It was awesome.

Ok I'm getting lazy (more on this later).

Time for new year resolutions!

You know how in July I came up with a new half-year resolution to become an optimist? Well, although I'm still miles away from achieving that target, there's no denying that I have come a long way from where I used to be.

Its funny how God uses the people and circumstances around us, in ways that we don't expect, to change us.

Well my new year resolution this time is to read more books. Not those sci-fi or fantasy fiction books, but rather good solid material that will challenge me spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

Fleur's eyes lit up today after I answered what my new year resolution was. Haha. With much enthusiasm she immediately proceeded to recommend me books and websites of book reviews to check out.

The next few months are going to be really busy.

First of all the work is gonna pile up again, with the peak period just around the corner. The new CPA semester will start again. Then I'm also involved in a lot of things at church, namely the Youth Fellowship and the committee of the LIFE camp which is happening in June.

Just found out today that I was also asked to be on the Church Camp committee but as usual they never ask me directly. They will ask my sis. But I have to turn down that request anyway as I doubt I will have the time to do so many things. Which is why I won't be blogging as often, or even at all anymore. Have to see first.

I think I've proven my doubters wrong by lasting this long, but my laziness is finally catching up to me.


Bye 2009~