Thursday, December 24, 2009

Feliz Navidad

Yay its another birthday dedication post today.

Oh and just in case you didn't receive a birthday dedication post from me this year, don't feel sad. That's the great thing about birthdays, there's always next year. Unless of course you get hit by a bus or eat too much eggs until you die etc.

I shall now pass the time to Pastor Yeah (who is a ripoff from Pastor Prince).

Merry Christmas everyone! That's right its CHRISTmas, not X'mas ok? Seriously why do they even replace Christ with X? If not for Christ, it wouldn't even be a holiday to begin with.

Ok kids, if you have your Bible turn with me to Luke 3 (cheh...sound like real pastor).

Notice that in verse 1, there are a list of names of the so-called 'big-shots' during that era. There's the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar and Pontius Pilate the Roman governor of Judea. Of course King Herod is on that list along with the high priests Annas and Caiphas.

Notice that all these 'big-shots', whose works and feats and achievements are written in the annals of history, yet are not at all mentioned after that verse.

Take Tiberius Caesar for example. Tiberius was the ruler of what was virtually the known-world at that time (with the exception of China). You can easily google or wiki about him and there is definitely a lot of information concerning his achievements during his reign. Yet nothing about him or his achievements are mentioned in the Bible.

In fact, there are more verses of mere shepherds (which was considered among the lowliest of professions at the time), than there are of Tiberius Caesar in that chapter.

This goes to show that no matter what you do or achieve in this life, whether good or bad, is irrelevant and insignificant in the eyes of God, if it is not about Jesus. Lowly shepherds are mentioned far more times than Caesar due to their association with Jesus.

Would you rather be 'successful' and 'significant' in the eyes of men or in the eyes of God?

Here's something interesting. You know the inn that had no vacant rooms for Joseph and Mary to stay that they had to use the stables and place Jesus in the manger etc?

Well according to Pastor Prince (who did his own research), that inn originally belonged to Ruth's husband, Boaz. It was later passed down to King David, and when David moved into Jerusalem he gave that inn to his old friend. Jesus is a descendant of David and is therefore his heir. So in actual fact, that inn rightfully belongs to Jesus. Yet there was no room for him.

Its much like today where there is no room for Jesus in His rightful home, our hearts.

Are our hearts constantly filled with all the material things of this world? Short answer is yes.

We are in danger of allowing this commercialized world distracting us from the true meaning of Christmas and the real gift of Christmas: Jesus who was born to die for our sins.

There is a lot more that I want to share from last Sunday's message, but I shall save it for next time. Afterall, kids have a very limited attention span =p

So Merry Christmas everyone! Just don't forget, Jesus is the reason of the season!

Happy birthday Lord Jesus! =)